Samuel Lawlor 

Sam Lawlor Photography                                                                                       Workbook

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Phone: 07984185545

Views and Inspirations

 In terms of the documentary i have a couple of concerns for the documentary, these main concerns are down to the style in which we want to make the documentary and the subject which we have chosen. I feel that the subject matter which we have chosen can work extremely well if it is done correctly the only concerns i have are that there will be too many obstacles in trrying to acheive the desired results one example of this would be in finding people who are willing to go on camera and talk about past experiences. My final concern for the documentary would be that we are going to struggle to remain objective without putting our own views explicitly into the documentary.

One of my big influences in the documentary genre would be Robert J Flaherty's Nanook Of The North (1922). One of the main reasons I felt this documentary influenced me was down to the way in which Flaherty manipulates the audience using a variety of techniques.

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